Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best of Intentions~

While hubby and I planned to work on clearing out the clutter in the basement this past weekend, the beautiful weather on Saturday (75 degrees and pure sunshine) derailed that game plan!  We spent the day downtown shopping.  Let's just say we paid IKEA and West Elm a little visit.

Sunday found us a church with plans to work on the basement after lunch.  That didn't happen either.  Enter a frantic phone call from our oldest child, barely recognizable for the sobs.  She was suffering an asthma/panic attack/migraine due to sinus congestion and a friend was taking her to the ER. So, we spent the day with her there.  She is doing much better. 

Fast forward a day...little sister is still trying to shake off another migraine.  Guess where we were today...yup, yet another ER!!  She is doing much better thanks to the IV med protocal.  Hopefully she will be back to school tomorrow. 

I  am hoping to get back to several projects I had to put on hold.  One involves a mini-makeover using this...

Here's hoping we are all back to our "normal" routine tomorrow!

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