Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breast Milk....Can I Nurse My Baby After Surrogacy or Adoption?

All Intended Parents dream of the best for their baby to be which is why they care so much about what their surrogate does during the pregnancy. What she eats, where she works, where she travels, what she's exposed to and how she is handling the pregnancy. It's natural to want to continue the trend and want the best nutrition for their baby. Can the Intended Mother can provide her own breast milk? Lets talk about inducing lactation:

Lactation involves two hormones. Prolactin is considered the milk-making hormone while oxytocin is the hormone responsible for releasing breast milk. Both of these hormones are controlled by the pituitary gland and are therefore not ovarian hormones. This means that even a woman who has undergone a hysterectomy can induce lactation.

Inducing lactation can take anywhere from 5 days to 4 months, so expecting mothers often begin to induce lactation during the third trimester of a surrogate pregnancy. Inducing lactation should only be attempted with the guidance of a pediatrician, lactation consultant and/or doctor.

Breastfeeding a baby delivered by a surrogate birth should thus be viewed as a bonding experience. Mothers should not worry about the amount of milk produced, but rather focus on the benefits of the closeness which breastfeeding brings.

The above information was gathered from Surrogacy and Breastfeeding: Inducing Lactation. You can also visit Infertility Answers, LLC - All About Breast Milk for information on shipping and storing breast milk. Below are a few other sites you might consider visiting as well!

Induced Laction
Ask Lenore ~ Breastfeeding ~ Induced Lactation ~ Introduction to the Protocols for Induced Lactation
Is It Possible To Induce Lactation


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