Friday, June 24, 2011

Flight Delayed & Basement Sneak Peek~

Due to severe weather here in Atlanta, our youngest's flight home from NYC has been delayed...but not before they put them on the plane and pushed away from the gate.  So, they are sitting on the tarmac with a dozen or so planes in line ahead of them...waiting...

They had a fabulous time in Brooklyn at their host church, and enjoyed sightseeing in the Big City.  They did a little shopping, went to the huge McDonalds on Broadway, saw the Lion King, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Ground Zero, Times Square, and performed many a concerts at the church while also participating in several community service projects.

While the basement isn't finished, we did manage to accomplish a lot and hope to have more completed by the end of the weekend.

Here's a peek...
Lawn and Garden Supplies Sorted and Organized

Another view of our new shelving to house lawn, garden, paint supplies and tools.

A shot of the new workroom/craftroom, we used leftover light blue paint from our daughter's old bedroom.
It really lightened up the area (the new light fixture helped as well).

Another shot.  We used white pegboard for the walls that were just studs and painted the concrete walls.

New Tundra flooring from Ikea that we will be installing in the workroom/craftroom tomorrow.

Faux brick wall I painted.  This wall is at the end of the long room that will become the new tv/entertainment room for the kids.

Another shot of the brick wall.

Wish the weather looked like this tonight.  This was last night's sunset...just gorgeous.  Right now it is stormy.

Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek!.  We can't wait to surprise our daughter...when she finally arrives. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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