Monday, July 5, 2010

Number Six of the Top 14 Mistakes for Surrogates and Carriers to Avoid: Not insisting that all compensation per the contract be deposited into an escrow account before the first transfer

We are already on Mistake #6 of the 14 Mistakes to Avoid For Women Considering Becoming Surrogate Mothers or Gestational Carriers! I hope that I have some Intended Parents reading these too! Truly IP's should see the benefits to them as well as their Surrogate or Gestational Carrier.

Mistake #6-Not insisting that all compensation per the contract be deposited into an escrow account before the first transfer

Why you should insist: There is a lot of money involved in a surrogacy arrangement and only a portion is earmarked for the surrogate. I know when I told my mother the first time in 1998 that I was going to be a Gestational Carrier she asked if I were getting $100,000! That was the only amount SHE would consider doing 'such a far out' thing for!

Needless to say, Surrogates and Carriers do not get that kind of money for this priceless service! A first time surrogate can be compensated from between $16k to $22k more or less depending on Insurance and Multiples. Still that money isn't given up front. The usual arrangement is monthly installments while pregnant to support the pregnant surrogate. There is maternity clothing to be purchased, and child care to pay for and perhaps lost wages and housekeeping to be reimbursed. Where is all of this money coming from?

The Intended Parents of course! Some may insist on paying it out of their own pocket on a monthly basis but how reliable is that? What if there is an accident and they can't write a check? What if the IP's are on vacation? What if the funds are 'lost in the mail' or late for some reason? What does that lack of timely payment do to a surrogacy relationship? Well, I can tell you, it's not pretty!

On the other side of this coin, surrogates need to be reimbursed for several things during her pregnancy. She may have over the counter medication receipts, co-pays for office visits, or is due some gas reimbursements and every time she asks her IPs for something 'extra' they feel nickeled and dimed to death even though these items are reimbursable as stated in the contract.

Avoid all of these hard feeling and the need to mix money and babies by depositing the surrogate compensation with a reliable escrow agent! Someone else will manage the payments. If something happens to the IP's the surrogate will still be compensated. She needn't go to her IP's for every little receipt she has and when they do talk it can be about the growing baby! So much better for everyone involved!

Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc. LaMothe Services, LLC *Please note: Sharon LaMothe is not a MD, is not an attorney nor does she hold a mental health degree. All advice given is solely the experienced opinion of Ms. LaMothe. If you have any medical, legal or psychological questions or concerns, please contact your own Doctor, Attorney or Mental Health Professional.

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