Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fifteen states mandate certain fertility insurance coverage

It's important to know just what your insurance will cover when you are starting fertility treatments. The article below came out in June.

Fifteen states mandate certain fertility insurance coverage

Many couples pay out-of-pocket for infertility diagnosis and treatment. This is because many employers still do not offer infertility benefits. Pending the type of fertility treatment rendered, costs may vary from a few hundred dollars to $15,000.00or more.

According to Resolve, the national infertility association, only 15 states have laws requiring insurance coverage for infertility treatment. These laws are known as mandates. There are two types of mandates:

Mandates to Offer: Mandates to offer require insurance companies to offer policies that cover infertility diagnosis and treatments. Employers must be made aware of these policies but are not required to include them in their employee benefits package.

Mandates to Cover: Mandates to cover require insurance companies to cover the cost of certain fertility treatments in every policy. Monthly premiums help to cover the costs of these treatments.

The following states with Mandates to Cover include:

New York
Rhode Island
Montana Texas
New Jersey
West Virginia

For those who live in Virginia or any other state not listed, Resolve encourages people to write to their local representative and ask them to introduce legislation to require infertility treatment coverage.

Norfolk residents can visit the Virginia Assembly Website ( to identify and contact their representative.

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