Sunday, February 8, 2009

Surrogacy – A Solution That Requires Consideration

**Please Note: Today I have invited guest blogger, Holly McCarthy, to share her views on surrogacy. If you would like to be a guest blogger on The Third Party or Surrogacy 101, please contact me at Thank you! Sharon LaMothe**

Infertility is a major problem facing many couples that want to raise a family. For whatever reason, the couple is unable to conceive a child together, and is therefore left with several options. There are many different solutions available for couples who want to share the joy of raising a child together, one of which is surrogacy.

Surrogacy involves having a woman carry a baby to full term, after which she will give the baby to the intended parents. Often, the surrogate is the biological mother, and she is artificially inseminated with the father’s genetic material. In other cases, an embryo is placed in the womb of the surrogate containing genetic material of both intended parents.

There are many issues that arise regarding surrogacy; complications are not limited strictly to the physical well-being of the surrogate and the baby she is carrying. While altruistic surrogacy (helping a couple without financial gain) is rare, more often than not, a contractual agreement is established between the parents and the surrogate.

In some states, surrogate mothers are listed on the birth certificate along with the biological father’s name. In other states, the names of the intended parents are put on the birth certificate as part of the contractual agreement. People considering surrogacy need to look into their respective state’s laws and statutes regarding surrogacy before initiating the process.

Although many intended parents believe wholeheartedly that they are ready for the challenges of parenthood, surrogacy brings up many emotional challenges for all parties involved. Sometimes the intended mother feels left out of the process, while others get very attached to the surrogate. Complex feelings and emotions are involved and this is something that needs to be fully considered before the process is initiated.

Another tough subject is whether the intended parents should stay in touch with the surrogate. While many people might think this would be a good idea, it certainly adds a new dynamic to the relationship that may not end up working out.

The best advice for prospective parents considering surrogacy is to speak with a licensed family counselor, along with your physician and family planning specialist. Taking a good long at the pros and cons of any situation can be quite illuminating and may help work out complex issues before it is too late. Once the decision has been made, preparations can then be undertaken to initiate the surrogacy.

This post was contributed by Holly McCarthy, who writes on the subject of Criminal Justice careers. She invites your feedback at

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