Sunday, February 8, 2009

Life Support; Does This Belong in Your Surrogacy Contract?

If you are wondering what Life Support (Life support - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) has to do with surrogacy, you are not the first. I personally had never even thought of Life Support when volunteering to become a surrogate mother. Why would I, or anyone for that matter, even be thinking about such a dismal ending...when Life Support would be needed. Well...Intended Parents are thinking about it. (especially after investing well over $60,000+/-) The Attorney's are talking about it. All hospitals highly recommend that any patient that walks (or is wheeled) through their doors has a Living Will (Advance health care directive - Wikipedia,) Why? Because you, the carrier, could become brain dead through an accident while pregnant with someone else's baby and the decision to keep your body alive will be raised. (and argued, and debated, and discussed....)

A scenario needling Life Support might look like this: Suzy Surrogate is 7 months pregnant and is involved in a car accident. Although the baby seems unharmed Suzy is unresponsive and is put on Life Support. Suzy's family is torn and despondent. The Intended Parents are focused on their unborn child.... what should be done? Needless to say that if this long shot of a situation were brought up during the contract negations, when everyone was not in crisis mode, this horrifying nightmare might have some clear cut guidelines to follow (as stated in the contract). What the IP's wishes were, what time frame the surrogate would be on life support, who would pay for that same support if the insurance company/ hospital did not agree, what role would the surrogate's family play etc.

I have heard some complain that contracts are getting too long however it is best to make sure as many scenarios are covered as possible and that these hard conversations take place when everyone is calm, cool and collected and can make rational decisions in the best interested of everyone involved including the unborn baby.


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