Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Military Wives, Surrogacy and the Insurance Issue

It's just amazing what happens when the media hits a dry spell....there is a little lull in the political arena so it seems that the spotlight is now being cast on the Military. And not on the men and women fighting in Iraq or elsewhere in the world but on the wives who have offered themselves as surrogates for people who can't have a baby any other way. It truly is disgusting some of the "headlines" used for these articles:

"Military wives spawn rise in Surrogacy"
"Military Wives Cashing in as Surrogates"
" Baby Carriers: Cold Cash or Warm Heart - Why Military Wives Dominate the Surrogate Baby Business"
"Surrogate Army Brats"
"The Curious Lives of Surrogates"

It really burns me when I read the comments more then the articles themselves. I do understand the health care issue. Taking advantage of any insurance company is not right under any situation but focusing in on THIS...surrogacy... in such a negative way. In most surrogate cases the Surrogate in question already has health insurance in place. She has already been paying the monthly premiums (one way or another) and has every intention of continuing to do so. She has a maternity rider that may have been used once or twice....she will only use it for her prenatal care, labor and delivery. If a surrogate does not have insurance then the IP's are the ones who pay for her policy in 99% of the cases. A very few IP's may choose to go self pay and have money up front for the OB and the hospital. All parties, IP's and SM's know that this Insurance Policy....Military or otherwise WILL NOT pay for any IVF, Pharmaceuticals, or Egg Retrievals. The Insurance is used ONLY for the pregnancy.

I can understand that some insurance companies see that being pregnant 'voluntarily' might cross the line at what the real intention is for their policy. (which is to cover the pregnant mother who intends to keep the baby) But there are many woman who choose to give that baby up for adoption the second they find out they are PG via HPT or blood test. Should those women go without coverage because they choose not to keep and raise their child?

Intended Parents will be going to these same insurance companies to buy insurance for their that not actually repaying the Insurance Company back in some way? And as for the Military Ins....please....I don't believe that the numbers are as large as least not from the numbers I am familiar with...I think that this has been blown way out of proportion and, while maybe worthy of investigation, has taken all respect and dignity out of the world of surrogacy. Strip away Insurance....what little money is involved is used to take care of the pregnant mother. Doesn't she deserve that at least? To drag the name of surrogacy through the mud just because some people find it unpleasant that military wives are doing it with the assumption that it will supplement their income and that IP's are too cheap not to get another policy for them is ridiculous. There is a bigger picture here and it would be nice if the media, FOR ONCE, would take that into consideration....bringing a new life into this world through the generosity of surrogates and their families!


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