Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why are surrogates paid more the more surrogacies they have done?

I just had this discussion while I was at the conference regarding why aren't surrogates (and their fees) divided into just two categories; First Timers and Experienced. Women becoming a surrogate for the first time have a lot of research to do plus testing to go through. They often have psychological evaluations, need to be coached through the medical protocol, don't understand the shot regimen or the medications they need to take and are unsure of how the birth will effect them emotionally. In a nut shell, they need more hand holding! (And should have it!)

An experienced Surrogate usually will not need another psychological eval unless something major has changed in her life over the past 2-4 years (Although I often recommend one anyway), she is familiar with the medical expectations even if they have changed because of new technology and she knows how she feels after giving birth to someone else's baby. (which is often a huge plus for Intended Parents who are worried about this very emotional time in the surrogacy relationship.)

So this begs the question of women who have been surrogates three or four + times why their "base" fee is higher then someone who has had one successful surrogacy arrangement and is matched for her 2nd time. What is the difference? Other then the fact that the 'more experienced' surrogate had proven that she can carry multiple times I say that there isn't much of a difference. As a matter of fact, if a surrogate has more then 3 C-sections she is no longer desirable to a number of clinics/RE's because of the many risks of weakening uteruses and scar tissue to name a couple of complications.

I will even put myself out on a limb and state that I feel it would be better for surrogates and IP's alike if there were two levels of Base Fees....One for the first time surrogate and a level for the experienced surrogate. (with and without the insurance element) Remember I am talking base fee....there is still the laundry list of other "benefits" that are individualized to each situation such as lost wages, housekeeping, child care, maternity clothes, travel and invasive procedures to name a few.

Will this, two tiered compensation plan, happen a crossed our great nation? Perhaps, if government regulation steps in. Will Base Fee's be taxed? Will 1099's make for higher base fees because the IP's need to pay even more for a woman to carry their baby? And will there be a tax credit for IP's using surrogate mothers to carry their children? I have no doubt that these questions will be answered in time!

Sharon LaMothe

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