Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Intended Parents: Go with your gut!

Yes, you read that right...go with your gut, go with your instincts, go with your feelings...Do NOT just push ahead without acknowledging that 'something' has given you pause!

To many Intended Parents, desperate as most are when they reach the decision to move ahead with a surrogacy situation, IGNORE crucial facts and gut feelings that are staring them in the face. They have met their potential surrogate online or through a friend...maybe through an attorneys office or even an agency BUT....its the BUT that needs to be explored. BUT the woman/surrogate is on medicare, But she is 19, But she doesn't have transportation, But her husband, boyfriend, significant other is against the arrangement OR pushing for more money, But she has put ALL her children up for adoption, But she is hard to contact, But she is slow to make appointments...it can go on and on...what is THAT telling YOU? It is telling you, Intended Parent, to move on as well! Surrogacy is not something to jump into, take lightly or think money will solve these issues. Make sure that you have a comfort level that will all involve before you sign that contract. (You ARE going to have a contract, right?!?!?) You will never be 100% comfortable but YOU can be reassured that moving in the same direction with the right person will alleviate most of the"But" factors.


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