Saturday, December 20, 2008

Playing GOD

How many times have I heard "you are playing God!" ? Since 1998, too many times to count. The very first time, when the bloom was still on the rose, was in my IP's own home. They had a nanny/housekeeper and she was a much older woman. I was staying there during my first transfer and in conversation she stated that I was playing God. I invited her to elaborate and she sure didn't mince words! Basically if God wanted my IP's to have more children they would get pregnant on their own. If that wasn't a possibility then they should adopt. *I* was preventing them from looking at adoption as an option by offering my body to carry their child. Some child out there would be homeless because of me! Well I was stunned. And it did make me think...but it DID NOT make me change my mind.

So here are my views on the GOD issue. Surrogates are not playing God. Egg Donors are not preventing adoptions from taking place. Reproductive Endocrinologists and Embryologists are NOT pretending to be God (although some may act God-like) We are all using the gifts that God gave us. We are using our brains and our bodies to make and give life. And if you are really REALLY religious then are we not making another follower of God? A Catholic? Baptist? Jew? Methodist? (add your religion here_______!) And What about all the other medical marvels happening in the world? Heart transplants? Kidney donations? Bone marrow donations? How about blood transfusions? Are these not prolonging life, enhancing life? And doesn't a new human being, a very much wanted baby make a life complete for those parents who desire to enhance THEIR own existence? One last thought...would any God really allow anyone to take the credit for our own creation? I think not!


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