Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer Goodness & Basement Update~

How those two go together...I really don't know, but it just happened.  We spent most of the morning finishing the installation of the new cabinets and countertops in the craft/workroom in our basement.  The shelving units were installed yesterday.  Then, I decided to get in the kitchen and produce a few dishes for the holiday weekend while I had the chance.  I'm a bit random like that.  Or, maybe it was because I know what is in store for me tomorrow and food cures everything!  Tomorrow will brind sorting, paring down, and putting all that "stuff" back in the "new" room in some semblance of order.  Having munchies on hand when totally stressed out helps! LOL

Homemade Black-eyed pea salsa (with home grown tomatoes)...yum!

1 Can Black Eyed Peas (drain, rinse)
2 Roma Tomatoes
4 Green Onions, chopped
Cilantro (to taste)
3 Tbs. Balsamic Vinegar
2 Tbs. Sugar
1/4 C Olive Oil
1/4 tsp. Salt
1-2 Cloves Garlic, minced
1 Jalapeno, chopped

Mix together, serve with chips (Scoop Fritos/Tostitos work best!)

This is one of my fav summer dips!  And, getting to use my own home grown tomatoes makes it even better.  I usually double the recipe, especially for parties.  Easy to make ahead and keeps for several days!

Boiled Peanuts!  Yes, I am a Southern Girl (transplanted via my parents from NY, Long Island, at the ripe old age of 10).  They are so easy to make in a crockpot.

Raw Peanuts (about 2 lbs or so)

Place in crockpot and fill with enough water to cover.  Add:  Kosher Salt, about a 1/4 cup.  A couple splashes of white vinegar.  And, approx. 2 or 3 Tbs. of Old Bay Seasoning.  All can be adjusted to taste.  We start them out on high for the first several hours, then turn to low and let simmer for at least 8 hours.  Drain, and cool in frig.  Store in airtight container or Ziploc bag.

Pesto Dipping Sauce and Cibatta Bread!  YUM!!  Okay, this is NOT for the faint of heart or for anyone who cannot resist a fresh loaf of Cibatta bread! 

Minced Garlic, approx. 2-3 cloves
Basil, minced, approx. 2-3 leaves
Oregano, chopped, a couple sprigs
Red Pepper Flakes, 1/2 tsp, more if you like it hot!
Pine Nuts, chopped, 1-2 Tbs.
Kalamatta Olives, chopped, approx. 4-6
Olive Oil
Sea Salt, to taste
Parmesan Cheese, grated, 1-2 tsp.

Mix ingredients together.  I usually add all ingredients and then add the Olive Oil last to cover.  Serve with the Cibatta bread.  Warning:  This dip is ADDICTIVE!!!  I am not responsible for any weight gained due to your consumption.

Oh, and the hard boiled eggs are awaiting the Devil in the morning (my hubby's fav).  Why do I feel a serious diet coming on??!!!

Okay, we DID actually get some hard work completed (not sure I burned enough calories to warrant eating all the other stuff, but I digress...)

All the storage pieces are IN!  Now it is time to sort, organize, and get everything back into place.  Okay...I feel the munchies coming on again...

Have a GREAT 4th Everyone!!  Hope to be back with the final reveal of the craft/workroom on Tuesday!

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