Sunday, July 10, 2011


What would you say if I told you we have new babies at our house?  You'd think I'd been holding out on ya right?  Well, kind of...

No, not these babies...

However, they are ADORABLE!

No, ours are a bit more outdoorsy.  Love water, and spend endless hours in the sun... stumped?

Meet the babies...
And, their siblings (last summer's babies)

And, proud Mom and Pop!

Okay, so we really don't know who's who...I mean, really?  We just assume that the "pretty" orange and white is momma and well, the "big dark guy" is dad...but, we could be VERY wrong!  The babies are easy to tell.  They all started off dark like the Big Guy, but some of last year's babes are starting to show some spectacular colors!  We are super excited.  I gave some of last year's babes to a friend who has a pond, and we may have to do the same this year.  As they get bigger there is only so much room.  My brother has a HUGE pond on his property, so some may find a home there.
Imagine my 21 year old's suprise when she called earlier today and I told her that her dad and I had babies!  She is a blonde afterall! LOL

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  We are still working on the basement, and our youngest starts playing volleyball tomorrow.  We are so proud of her, she is the only girl the coach asked to play on both scrimmage teams!  Thank you to everyone who has asked about or prayed for her...she hasn't had ONE migraine since school letting out (and only one minor headache).  We are hoping she has turned a corner!  She hopes to write an article for the paper in the fall...they usually do several features on student athletes and she wants to get the word out that migraines are real and very difficult to manage.  She is looking forward to her Senior year!!

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