Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sam's Sister by Juliet Bond: A LaMothe Book Review

I wanted to share this book review for National Adoption Month. Sam's Sister is perfect for birth mothers to read to their own child/children.

Sam's Sister by Juliet Bond is a heartwarming and touching story through the eyes of a 5 year old girl regarding her baby brother's adoption. When her mother explains that she is pregnant but doesn't have the means to raise another child, Rosa has all kinds of questions. Her mother takes the time to explain her reasons for placing Rosa's sibling up for adoption and allows her to meet the adoptive parents. This children's book starts at the pregnancy and ends after the birth where this relationship is obviously an open adoption sceaniro. Rosa gets to be the big sister even though her little brother doesn't live with her and the parents enjoy raising a child through this adoption. I recommend Sam's Sister by Juliet Bond for all birth mothers with young children at home. I love the illustrations by Dawn Majewski and the entire way the book respects the integrity of the open adoption process.

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