Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Third Party Wins Top Surrogacy Blog Award from Ultra Sound Technician!!

Surrogacy is quite simply using a gestational carrier to carry and deliver your baby for you. It is an emotionally intense and legally complex arrangement and is officially recognized in only a handful of states, it is illegal in others. The process often requires vast amounts of time, money, and patience to be successful. Our award winners have been on both sides of the surrogacy issue, both surrogate mothers and those seeking a surrogate. Celebrities, homosexuals, infertile couples all seek out surrogates in their quest to have a child. These blogs will give you a new appreciation for this controversial child bearing option.
Please join me in congratulating our Top Surrogacy Blog award winners presented by Ultra Sound Technician!

Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc. http://infertilityanswers.org/ LaMothe Services, LLC http://lamotheservices.com/ *Please note: Sharon LaMothe is not a MD, is not an attorney nor does she hold a mental health degree. All advice given is solely the experienced opinion of Ms. LaMothe. If you have any medical, legal or psychological questions or concerns, please contact your own Doctor, Attorney or Mental Health Professional.

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