Sunday, November 28, 2010

Adoption Is A Family Affair by Pat Johnston: A LaMothe Book Review

Just in time for the end of our National Adoption Month!
Adoption Is A Family Affair  by Pat Johnston, is an easy read in less then 150 pages and a great resource  for relatives and friends of those in the process of adoption. Yes, it is simple and touches briefly on many of the issues and concerns that might be brought to the family table but it is also insightful and full of great advice for those who don't know what to say of do to help welcome a new family member via adoption. All ages and stages are touched on as well as great reading recommendations for more information. I particularly liked The Five Hot Buttons Not To Push  and the Expanding the Family Culture chapters. This had lessons that everyone can learn from. We all bring something to the table and it all can work if respect, understanding and open communication is included.  I highly recommend Adoption Is A Family Affair as a resource for family members, friends and for those going through the personal and rewarding journey of becoming parents through adoption.

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