Wednesday, September 30, 2009

University of Florida Greek Life Gives LMFAO a SHOT

I'm in Gainesville, Trick!

University of Florida's Delta Gamma sorority showed their love for LMFAO in a banner displayed on their house on campus.

The banner, which they designed for the fraternity Sigma Phi Epislon's philanthropy event, won best overall. It reads "Delta Gamma has a SHOT for Sip Ep: Surf Frenzy '09." The talented girls also painted realistic renderings of Redfoo and Sky Blu.

In addition to using LMFAO on their banner, the DG girls had an LMFAO-themed routine for the fraternity's dance competition, dancing to "I'm In Miami Trick" and college favorite, the inspirational song "Yes."

DG won the competition, which included all 16 UF sororities.

Surf Frenzy, Sig Ep's annual philanthropy event, raised over $30,000 for the Florida Diabetes Camp, the largest amount of money ever raised by an individual philanthropy at UF. Good job, guys!

To learn more about the philanthropy, visit their website:

Thank you to Clint McDaniel, a University of Florida Sig Ep, for the information and thank you to the ladies of Delta Gamma for supporting LMFAO and showing your college that LMFAO isn't just about having fun; we also inspire change. Congratulations on raising an impressive amount of money for a very worthy cause.

The ladies of Delta Gamma, University of Florida

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