Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm In Miami Bitch ": Are ya'll ready to see the hottest band on the planet?"

When we pulled into the city that started it all, Sky Blu pointed out the hotel they stayed at when he and Redfoo came up with "I'm In Miami Bitch."

Further down the street was our current hotel, the breathtaking Fontainebleau. Even though the location is the same, LMFAO has come a long way.
Shortly after check-in and a brief nap, it was off to the first of two interviews. We longingly looked out at the pool and the ocean, but there was no time to play, only to admire.

The boys sat down for an interview with Deco Drive ( at Gotham, the restaurant in the Fontainebleau. We were served the amazing puprle drinks, Foo's recommendation, and I can't tell you what's even in these things, but I can tell you they're worth booking a flight to Miami simply to get one.

The interviewer asked Foo and Sky about everything under the sun--from PartyRockPeople ( and the clothing line ( to Miami-specific questions.

"I was in the Keys recently and a yacht went by with topless girls blasting your song [I'm In Miami Bitch]," the interviewer told the boys. "You guys have officially made it."

Foo and Sky shared funny stories from the road: "Last night was kind of violent," Sky said. "It started with Foo spraying a botle of Moet in our van." Foo took out his iPhone to play the video of us screaming and splashing in the champagne.
"How are you guys still alive?" the interviewer joked.

Reek, Pete and I watched the interview and couldn't contain our laughter. Foo and Sky's humor never ceases to make you laugh so hard, you almost spit out your fancy purple drink.

"Fans can't get crazy and punch me in the face," Foo joked, referring to an incident we had in Orlando the previous night.

"Why no lenses?" they were asked. "Because we're not shady," Sky responded.
How would LMFAO decribe their music in three words "Party...Rock...yabitch!"

After the Gotham interview, it was off to LIV, the nightclub in the Fontainebleau, for a second interview. With just five minutes to spare for us to change into I'm In Miami Bitch Party Rock Gear, it was time to get to the first show of the night at Florida International University.

A tour bus, courtesy of the radio station Y100, was waiting and the consensus among the Party Rock Crew was that that's the only way to travel from now on. We had comfortable sofas and soft pillows--even a bathroom, though it didn't work at the time.

It was dark and starting to rain when we arrived at FIU, but the weather didn't stop the crowd from piling into the outdoor field and screaming in anticipation. The show was a fraternity event for Phi Gamma Delta, known as FIJI.

The introduction for LMFAO was fitting: "Are ya'll ready to see the hottest band on the planet?"

The crowd went even crazier than usual for the opener, "I'm In Miami Bitch"...because we were!

The crowd went just as wild for "La La La" and the boys got everyone jumping up and down by the end of the song. During "Shots", all of the fans were waving their arms and fist pumping. Foo, Sky and Q's dancing was better than ever before and it was clear just how happy everyone was to be there: LMFAO brought their spirits up despite the gloomy weather.

Even though they weren't set to perform "Yes", they did it anyway and, sure enough, the FIU kids knew every word. "It's definitely a college song," Foo said.

The girls in the audience thanked him by getting particularly rowdy when screaming the line, "Foo, your royal penis is clean!"

The rain started coming down hard, but Foo and Sky stopped to pose for pictures with the brothers of FIJI.

"Oh my God, that was so cool! We're going to have the best recruitment this year," one member said. "We're going to blow everyone out of the water. Now that we brought LMFAO here, no one can touch us. We're gonna have a huge pledge class."

On the way back to the tour bus, girls ran up to stop me in the golf cart carrying me and Q. "Can I please have one of your bracelets? I'd do anything for one," a fan said to me as I handed both her and her friend the pink LMFAO Party Rock Album Tour bracelets. Screaming girls took off running toward the boys as we tried to get back on the bus, but Foo and Sky didn't mind braving the rain for a few minutes to put a smile on some fans' faces.

Back on the bus, there were the usual hilarious Party Rock Crew antics. Pete, Q, DJ Air, and I were smashed up together on the sofa so Foo, Sky and Ian could sprawl out. "Ya'll look like the damn Brady Bunch all lined up against each other," Sky said. "Pete's the dad, Elle's the mom, and Air and Q are the adpoted Mexicans."

Ian volunteered a vital piece of information. "In Miami, we don't call girls 'squashas.' Here, we have to call them 'chongas.' It works because 'chonga' means 'gorilla' in Spanish."

We had some time to squeeze in a nap before scrambling to get ready for our 10 p.m. dinner at Gotham. The club owners, promoters, and a handful of girls joined me, Foo, Reek, Q, and Air in a private room. They started us with round of drinks followed by countless shots of Patron and Cafe Patron. Most of the table joined us in doing the shots in true Party Rock fashion: Foo started it out for us with, "shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots...everyyybodyyy!"

The food was out-of-this-world amazing; we were even daring enough to try some octopus (which, as you can imagine, caused some joking among the boys). Tennis was the talk of the table as everyone watched the US Open; we also found out Lil' Jon was joining us at LIV to perform Shots with LMFAO.

We had a brief pre-party that consisted of Foo, Q, myself, and about 20 girls before heading down to LIV. It's one of the most beautiful clubs I've ever seen and though the crowd was tough to please, it was ridiculously crowded for LMFAO.

Champagne and Goose flowed in the VIP section and Lil' Jon was there rocking his "I'm In Miami Bitch" shirt.

LIV made it easy to proudly say, "I'm in Miami, bitch" as the Party Rock Crew and Lil' Jon got the party started. Bottles were poppin', girls were dancing on booths, and it was past 2 a.m. before LMFAO took the stage.

LMFAO performed "La La La", "I'm In Miami Bitch" (of course), "Shots" and, the biggest hit of the night, the "Shots" remix. Even the journalists were in awe as LMFAO and Lil' Jon jumped around the stage and sprayed the audience with champagne. Some of Miami's "beautiful people" didn't take too kindly to being doused in alcohol, but that's the only way to do it with LMFAO. Don't judge them!
Even the journalists and photographers on stage were in awe. "I've never seen anything like this," they exclaimed to me.

The party continued until past 4 a.m. in the VIP section, which was even twice as crowded as it was before the performance began. Suddenly, everyone wanted to get up close and personal with LMFAO.

The Party Rock Crew went their separate ways--Pete and Sky took a dip in the ocean while Reek, Ian, and I stuck it out at LIV longer than everybody. We socialized with some fans in the lobby until Foo and I went on a 6:30 a.m. pizza run in a cab to South Beach.

It was another short night of sleeping before waking up to head to Tampa, Florida the following morning. The weather was perfect--palm trees swaying, the sun beating down, the giant pool filled with beautiful people...even as we drove away, it was easy to see why this place made Sky and Foo say, "I'm in Miami, bitch" two years ago and why everyone continues to say it to this day.
-Elle Galerman

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