Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hair Cut~

During the summer months, I decided to cut my hair short again.  I have had it all lengths, but for my hair type-straight and baby fine, short has always worked best.  And, at 43, I am not a ponytail kinda gal.  So, since I just got it cut again this morning as well as colored (gotta love it when the gray is gone!) I thought I'd share a new pic.  Mind you...since no one else is home I had to take it myself, so go easy on me!  Our youngest just recently cut her hair short too...she'd always felt she had to keep it longer due to playing volleyball.  She loves her short!!

It is kinda hard to tell in this picture, but the back is shorter than the front...the sides are angle cut.  It's funny, I was born a blonde but during my 20s-30s my hair got darker (light brown), and now in my 40s I can't keep it dark to save my life!  It wants to be platinum with a bit of gray.  My mother's hair is the same.  My brother, 2 years my junior, is ALL gray!! 

And, just since I almost ALWAYS get asked, yes my eyes are that blue...thanks to Lasik surgery I no longer wear contacts.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!!

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