Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Check, Check, Check~

Sorry I've been MIA!  One, I've been fighting a cold...my first in forever.  And two, I've been checking things off my to do list.

Basement Walls Installed
Trim Installed in Basement
Flooring Installed in Basement
Cabinets Installed in Craft/Work Room
Unfinished Area Cleaned, Sorted, Organized
Girls Keepsakes Sorted
Declutter Declutter Declutter
Set aside items for Neighborhood Yard Sale in October

Call 1-800-Got Junk  They are here and it feels sooooo good!

I cannot tell you how good it feels to have finally tackled the monster basement!  The painters will be here next week to paint the new walls and trim, then we have to install a few doors.  I will be so glad to have a clean space to then go through photos, the girls old school papers and such.  I have been putting it off because I didn't have a space that I could spread out in and take my time going through the stuff.

Have you been putting off tackling a huge, not so fun, project?

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