Saturday, August 6, 2011

Back to School-Senior Year-Kleenex Optional

Oh how I wish I were buying crayons!  Senior Year, Two Seniors, and they aren't into crayons anymore!  This past week has been a week of milestones and tears, firsts and lasts.

Our youngest had her last high school volleyball tryout, 4th time making the Varsity team, 1st time being named a Captain!
We went to her last high school registration day, she applied to her 1st college.
I ran my last volleyball parent meeting, but made friends with many nervous 1st time parents.
Our oldest finished her last summer semester, her internship, to start her first day of her last semester in college.

It is bittersweet when lasts become firsts.

Their first steps toward independence, a very scary thought to this mom.  College I have been through, on their own, I have not.  However, both are beautiful, bright, intelligent girls, and I am looking forward to seeing how far they can go.  Each day they amaze me! 

I reach deep into my memories...back to the first day each took their first steps...those are the same kind of nervous feelings I feel now.  What if they fall?  21 and 17 years later I can honestly say, THEY WILL GET BACK UP, SKINNED KNEES AND ALL, AND BE JUST FINE!  And, they will still call and need their momma!

While there are times I would like to go back and have more time, make they "little" again, there are also times I do not...I am soooo proud of how far they have come and to go back would be to rob them of all they have accomplished, and the memories we have made in the process.

So, I write this not to be a downer but to say...cherish each step, be there for them, applaud them, and hug them at the end, and tell them, "job well done!!!"

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