Friday, August 26, 2011

It's Really Okay to Say NO~

We've all been there...they need someone to bake 2 dozen cupcakes, they need someone to be the room parent and plan parties, they need someone to serve on such and such PTA committee,  they need someone to coach a little league team, they need someone to organize the fundraiser, they need someone to chaperone the field trip...

Okay, I think you get the picture.  As a mom (or dad, or nanny, or grandparent for that matter), we all know that MANY volunteer opportunities are thrown our way throughout our children's lives.  And, I will be the first to say...I was that parent who without hesitation said, "sure, I'd be happy to".  Well...maybe not always (happily that is).

I am writing this post because I am now the parent of two Seniors (one high school, one college) and for years had been "that" parent, the "volunteer".  I was the preschool mom who planned parties, I was the room parent more times they I can count, I served on various PTA committees, I participated on the board for their sports, I chaperoned field trips, I organized uniforms...and the list goes on.

Well, I am here to is okay to say "NO" when asked to volunteer.  I think all too often we say yes out of guilt.  What if no one else steps up?  Only to later regret we said yes...sometimes it takes away from the things that really matter to us.

I recently had this experience.  I have been handling uniforms for our youngest daughter's volleyball club.  And, recently was asked by the new board of directors if I would be willing to handle them again this season.  I told them, I would consider it, and get back to them. 

After thinking it over (and over and over), discussing it with my family, and remembering that this is what my basement looked like in the middle of the holidays last year...

I graciously declined the offer.  However, I did say I would be willing to train my replacement.  It was a big step for me.  The guilt set in a bit...what if no one else stepped up...they can't play/coach without their uniforms/gear!!

Well, someone did...and that someone is going to do a great job!  A mom like me, looking for a way to get involved and be a part of the program.  And, her daughter is younger so she will be around longer than I.

Lesson learned:  It is OKAY to say no! 

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