Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ooooh, Aaaah~

No, not going there!

I don't normally post about beauty products, but I just HAD to share these new babies! (well, new to me)  I have terribly dry skin on my hands in the winter.  And, my sweet hubby is always on the lookout for something to help make it better.  So, he gave me this for Christmas...

And, while I was LOVING this lotion all by itself, a little trip to my local Aveda store the other day made me love it all the more when combined with these babies...

The key is to dampen your hands with a little water, apply a bit of the Caribbean Scrub (be sure to stir it well first), and scrub!  Rinse, then apply a dollop of the Hand Relief lotion into the palm of your hand along with a drop (yes, a single drop) of the Calming Composition Oil, and rub in like you would your normal hand lotion. 

The difference in my skin was visible immediately!  Gone were my rough dry hands, and in their place were smooth, dewy ones!!

While the products are a bit pricey (for some), it doesn't take much so it will last Foreva!  The scrub and the oil can also be used to sooth elbows, knees, and heels too!

I use them every other day in combo, and they have made such a difference!!

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