Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day Number Two~

We are now into Day 2 of the snow and ice here in the Deep South, and it is a royal mess!! What little melted, has now refroze and it is one big sheet of glare ice out there. While it is pretty to look at, it is wreaking havoc on the roadways. Hubby and our youngest pulled out a car yesterday that had gotten stuck in a neighborhood nearby, and today, he had to get another car out of a snow bank a girl had backed it into. It required 6 others pushing the car sideways, getting it out into the roadway, controlling the car while it spun to the bottom of the hill where he could finally get it safely on a dry patch of roadway. I don't recommend it! He is an experienced, trained driving instructor who also grew up in Michigan...he knows what he's doing, most don't!! I prefer to stay indoors where it is warm and dry.

Needless to say, I am still waiting on player uniforms! And, my printer is snowed in and can't get out of his neighborhood. Yes, I have already had a meltdown (wish it would melt outside). But, I have since come to terms with the fact that "I" don't have any control on the weather!!! We are not expecting temps above freezing for a few more days. Sigh...

Okay, enough whining! Here's some pics we've shot over the past few days.

Hope you are all staying warm and dry!

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