Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Her Majesty, the tree...

I have to start this post off by saying...every year our family goes in search of the "perfect tree".  Of course, "perfect" is defined differently by each member of our family!  Dad-"good quality, great price", Mom "pretty shape, fresh", Girls, "Tall and BIG!!!"  So, every year we search..."too short, too fat, too many holes..."   Until alas, we find THE tree...usually much to dad's chagrin!  Yes, the GIRLS win EVERY time!  Dad and Mom shell out the bucks and haul home the big honkin' tree!!!  This year...she's an eleven foot beauty! (do the girls not understand that Mom and Dad are too old for this????)  Funny story...get said tree, put said tree in stand in driveway, drag said tree into house-not wrapped because it was TOO big to fit in bagger!, go to stand tree up, tree snags sweet Koda Bear's stocking (Oldest daughter's puppy) on the way up (it was hanging on one of the knobs on the Entertainment center...stand tree up, only to find a a bright red stocking adorning the tree stating "Santa, It Wasn't My Fault".  We were all on the floor rolling with laughter!  Well, not really, someone HAD to hold up the tree!  She is a beauty, but seriously girls, mom and dad are too old to be hauling a 100 lb tree through the house!!!!

This baby needs a bigger skirt!!!! Hence the need to go on a diet!!!  Our youngest is a Junior in high school.  We figure, we have to keep this up for a few more years...then Mom and Dad are getting a tree we can decorate while standing on our own two feet!!!

Thank you to everyone who expressed their sympathy and who are praying for Will's family.  It is very much appreciated by all.  It just breaks my heart as a mother that at 21 years old, he won't have his mother to wish him a Merry Christmas.  We are at peace in knowing that she is resting in the Good Lord's hands and is no longer suffering.  It is a gentle reminder to tell your family you love them each and every day!  Live for today, as the future is uncertain.

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