Saturday, October 23, 2010

Container For Food Sunch Lunch Box - Proper Nutrition Is Always And Everywhere

 Who among us would not want to enjoy not only delicious, but also a "proper" lunch at work or school? However, just cook a favorite dish is not enough, still have to somehow pack it and then carry around. As a result, it is limited to a couple of sandwiches in a hurry. New container for the transport of food Sunch Lunch Box will enjoy a gourmet favorite dish in full during the lunch break.

 An impromptu picnic in the park at lunch time? Unzip the sides, expand the details of the "lunch box" and arrange a stable tray on his lap. Fixing band of a small table between them, ensuring that your salad will not fall down into the grass on the sides put forward leg. It remains to extract a plate and enjoy lunch. Bon Appetit!
 Lunch-box - a good thing. It may look different: as a sandwich or a cardboard box. But very often it looks like a child and not always convenient for a neat meal. The design of this "lunch box" from a designer Soo Kang Lee designed as a small zippered bag with handle, looks still quite presentable.
So, in the set: one large container for the main dish, four mini-container for salads or sauces, a glass with a handy lid that serves as an exploded version of the stand.

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