Sunday, October 24, 2010

6 Key Messages for Women to Save Fertility

1 Know the facts about your reproductive life

2 Prevent infertility by appropriate life choices

3 Plan your family and career

4 Discuss family planning with your partner

5 Don't wait for perfection-there is never a perfect time to start a family

6 Seek expert help after 6-12 months, or immediately if any risk factors are present

Note: Fertility drops 50% with a BMI of over 30

This is from the presentation Careers, Babies & Biological Clocks presented by Dr. David Adamson at SMART ART XI

Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc. LaMothe Services, LLC *Please note: Sharon LaMothe is not a MD, is not an attorney nor does she hold a mental health degree. All advice given is solely the experienced opinion of Ms. LaMothe. If you have any medical, legal or psychological questions or concerns, please contact your own Doctor, Attorney or Mental Health Professional.

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