Thursday, September 30, 2010

In A Blink of an Eye~

They go from being a chubby happy baby...
driving a little pink car...

to a beautiful young woman, driving a REAL car!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Surrogacy or Conspiracy? The Lamitina Story by Gwyn and Tom Lamitina: A LaMothe Book Review

With a title like Surrogacy or Conspiracy? I couldn't pass up the chance to review this true story of a Traditional Surrogacy gone wrong. Its a huge what-not-to-do book by intended parents, Tom and Gwyn Lamitina, who wrote and published it even before they had the outcome that should have been theirs. (Watch for the sequel)

Lulled into a false sense of security by their first successful Traditional Surrogacy and while enjoying their life with their new son, Tom and Gwyn decide to add to their family using the same formula. They answer classified ads on Surrogate Mothers Online (SMO)to 'meet' a young woman with children of her own who would be willing to be their traditional surrogate mother.The perfect one came along and she even claimed to be an experienced gestational surrogate and egg donor! Tom and Gwyn state that they did the best background check that they could 'on their own', I read nothing of a psychological evaluation or a medical exam of this surrogate from an infertility clinic. (My own personal red flags) Because they never used an agency or an attorney with their first surrogacy they decided that downloading an 'Internet' contract and allowing their new surrogate fill in all the blanks would be good enough for them. (another red flag) Before the contract is signed by both parties, and in order to take advantage of their surrogates next cycle, they decide to participate in at home inseminations to boot! (This is the yet another red flag and I decided to stop counting here.)

Needless to say everything that could go wrong did. I started out by stating that the Lamitima's were lulled into a false sense of security with their first traditional surrogacy. These very same issues could have gone wrong at any point during their first experience but because they met a woman who had a moral compass and didn't want anything more then to give them a baby to love, the contract was never challenged unlike this second situation. Because the Lamitina's didn't want to spend the money on a reproductive attorney, clinic, or psychologist they ended up spending thousands more fighting for their baby daughter in the Florida court systems. There are checks and balances in place within the reproductive community and if you decide to skip the agency and go to the classifieds or even use a family member or friend there is a protocol to follow and Tom and Gwyn paid the price for not knowing or investigating the 'right' way to proceed after they chose the woman they wanted to work with.

The woman (traditional surrogate) portrayed here in this book would never have made it past an experienced agency. In fact, the reason SHE didn't sign on with an agency, it seems, was because she had a devious plan. She would become pregnant with some desperate and unknowing intended parents' baby, never planning to give it up at the end and then sue for child support. A cold hearted calculated scam that would only work on people who were uneducated in the ways of the surrogacy world. She, apparently, did her homework!

I feel that this short yet intense book is worth reading for any intended parent tempted to go the 'independent' route. The lessons learned for the Lamitina's experiences could save others a lot of money and heartache. Unfortunately this book paints a bad picture of Traditional Surrogates and those that want to be matched independently however there are ways to protect yourselves without an agency to assist in the process. Research, hiring a surrogacy consultant, making sure that you use a contract drawn up by a lawyer who is well versed in reproductive law in your state, having everyone visit a psychologist and staying away from at home inseminations are just a few of the ways that can assure a successful out come. Surrogacy or Conspiracy? The Lamitina Story can be read in one sitting but will stay with you for a long time after the book is laid on the shelf.

Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc. LaMothe Services, LLC

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Many Eggs Do You Have Anyway??

I attended a fascinating session lead by Dr. David Adamson, MD at this years SMART ART XI. His topic was Careers, Babies and Biological Clocks. I wanted to share one particular tid-bit that I don't think is in your typical woman's magazine or doctors office reading material.

Just how many eggs do we women have anyway? Have you ever wondered? I never have. I just figured that I had what I needed and left it at that. I never gave my husbands sperm a thought seemed to be there when it was needed (and sometimes even when it was not! BTW male fertility drops to 70% in their 50's) But I never had a sit down with girl friends and chatted over how many eggs we had left or where they all came from. We might have talked about their expiration date but we used the word 'menopause' to describe those topics!
Dr. Adamson showed a slide that said this: In Utero (aprox at 5 months) an unborn baby girl has about 4 Million Eggs. At birth that same baby girl will have about 700,000 eggs and at puberty a young girl would have approximately 350,000! And just so you menopause the number is about 1000 eggs and they are not doing well! Most of these eggs are lost to artesia, not ovulation which means that they are lost to the cells dying.

As you can see, we are born with all the eggs we will ever have. Amazing to know but now the question is just what will we do with those eggs?
Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc. LaMothe Services, LLC *Please note: Sharon LaMothe is not a MD, is not an attorney nor does she hold a mental health degree. All advice given is solely the experienced opinion of Ms. LaMothe. If you have any medical, legal or psychological questions or concerns, please contact your own Doctor, Attorney or Mental Health Professional.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Womanopause: Feeling Fit, Feminine and Fabulous in Four Weeks By Dr. Lovera Wolf Miller and Dr. David C. Miller: A LaMothe Book Review

I was invited to review the book Womanopause: Feeling Fit, Feminine and Fabulous in Four Weeks. At first I I'm 46 (and 1/2) so I am not ready (or old enough) to read or review a book about menopause. Then on second thought...or maybe third thought, I remembered being put into a menopause type state during my surrogacys. (which is when the Reproductive Endocrinologist prescribes hormones to control your cycle and those side effects include hot flashes, moodiness, and other fun symptoms. So really, I have already visited menopause land and was happy to leave!)So I thought that others may benefit from my review.

Having no idea, really, what menopause entailed, I was enthralled from the very first chapter. Maybe horrified is a better word. Is THIS going to happen to ME? Why, yes it is and coming faster then a speeding bullet apparently! Every woman who lives to be middle age, the average is 51, will experience some sort of menopause. How to deal with it is what this book is all about. Now granted, the writers are two Dr's., Lovera Miller and her husband David Miller and frankly are all for Menopausal Hormone Therapy and after reading this why would anyone not be? It seems to be the cure all for the very scary symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, dry skin, memory loss, mood swings, depression, and more! Assuming that you are already on this muddy path, this book is the map to get you back on the freeway! (and I do mean 'free')

What I liked the most about the book was the stories that were shared by real women and how they reacted to this 4 week program. I am not sure everyone will agree that this is the only way to live your middle years via Menopausal Hormone Therapy along with changing diet and exercise, but it does give some very interesting options. Having said that, if you are feeling like you need some help with menopause symptoms, visit your own doctor and go over some of the options that you like from this book and see if they can be tailored to your own individual needs.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Philanthropy - Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh

Christina Aguilera - Philanthropy - Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh
Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera not my self tonight
is one of a major contributor in her hometown of Pittsburgh contributing regularly to the Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh. According to her official website, she toured the center and donated $200,000 to the shelter. She also has auctioned off front row seats and back stage passes for the Pittsburgh-based charity.

Christina Aguilera has continued her donations and visits to the shelter, and plans to open an additional one. She also supports the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Refuge UK.

Since then Christina Aguilera has worked with Lifetime Television's 'End violence against women' campaign. Her work there included a public service announcement which aired on the network and during her 2007 tour.

BTW.. let's take a look Dirrty- Christina Aguilera Back to Basics tour in Pittsburgh from windylicious703

Christina Aguilera being ridiculously hot performing Dirrty in Pittsburgh!!

Totally rocked out in section C8 row H!!!!

Wow she's amazing

X-tina no doubt you're the best

Philanthropy - Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh

Christina Aguilera - Philanthropy - Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh
Christina Aguilera
Christina Aguilera not my self tonight
is one of a major contributor in her hometown of Pittsburgh contributing regularly to the Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh. According to her official website, she toured the center and donated $200,000 to the shelter. She also has auctioned off front row seats and back stage passes for the Pittsburgh-based charity.

Christina Aguilera has continued her donations and visits to the shelter, and plans to open an additional one. She also supports the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Refuge UK.

Since then Christina Aguilera has worked with Lifetime Television's 'End violence against women' campaign. Her work there included a public service announcement which aired on the network and during her 2007 tour.

BTW.. let's take a look Dirrty- Christina Aguilera Back to Basics tour in Pittsburgh from windylicious703

Christina Aguilera being ridiculously hot performing Dirrty in Pittsburgh!!

Totally rocked out in section C8 row H!!!!

Wow she's amazing

X-tina no doubt you're the best

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Scar Therapy for Women Who Have Had Breast Surgery by Guest Blogger Dr. Christina Grant

Thank you Dr. Grant for bringing this topic to the Third Party!
Sharon LaMothe

If you have undergone breast surgery or a mastectomy, you might consider specialized scar massage therapy to help your body heal from the trauma. This type of massage targets scar tissue, which is an ongoing source of pain and discomfort for many women.
Lymph drainage will also be addressed as part of your treatment. Scar tissue can become hard, behaving like a solid wall and preventing the proper flow of lymph. Since your lymphatic system plays such an important role in helping your body eliminate toxins, it is vital to your health that your lymph flows well without obstruction.

Scar therapy massage creates motion around traumatized tissue and enhances the normal flow in lymph capillaries just under the skin. By softening and dissolving scar tissue, it helps release tissue congestion. This improves circulation in surrounding areas, including the arms where many women have continual aching after breast surgeries.

When the circulation and movement is increased - not only in breast tissue, but in your shoulders, chest, back, and neck - it can alleviate swelling, discomfort, and other post-surgery symptoms, such as pain or pulling around the surgery site. For women who have cysts as well, it can decrease the fluid in them.

Breasts are a touchy subject for Americans, despite the apparent fetish with them. Having another person, even a specialist who is well-trained and experienced, touching one’s breasts can be cause for alarm. Many women are self-conscious and uncomfortable with the idea of breast therapy, but scar massage therapists are generally very supportive and are there to help.

I have two colleagues who specialize in techniques to heal scar tissue. They love to help women healing from breast surgery. Both of them have wonderful attitudes toward their work. They are dedicated to helping women live better lives post-surgery. As an added bonus, these therapists know when scar tissue has softened, whether cysts have decreased in size, or even if there are unusual lumps in breast tissue that ought to be checked by your doctor.

Many massage therapists find that working on the breasts is too intimate. Breasts are loaded with emotional, sexual, and societal concerns. Being the therapist who enters this territory can be daunting, but fortunately there are those who know its healing power, who feel very comfortable with it, and are dedicated to helping women in this way.

If you are interested in having scar therapy and breast massage, seek out a female practitioner well educated in breast anatomy and lymphatic massage. The American Massage Therapy Association website at is one place to start. Once you are on this site, click on “Find a Massage Therapist.” Currently breast massage isn’t listed as a modality, but lymphatic drainage is, so once you find a list of therapists in your area you can then narrow your search to one that also specializes in scar therapy.

Dr. Christina Grant is a holistic healer and spiritual counselor who helps people attain well-being, greater insight, and inner peace in their lives. You are welcome to visit her blog and website:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Before and After~

I recently shared our fireplace surround and entertainment center in House Tour Part 1 post.  I found some before shots I thought I would share along with how I achieved the look.

Each piece was primed with 2 coats of Glidden's Gripper primer tinted a couple shades lighter than the top coat color.

The I painted each piece with 2-3 coats of the top coat, a custom Porter Paint color.  I have the formula if anyone is interested.  It is a really rich brown/black.

I allowed each piece to dry and cure for a week (our southern humidity makes it take longer). After they were thoroughly dry, I took like sandpaper and distressed the edges and details to give it the aged affect you see.

After-Entertainment Center

Before-Entertainment Center

After-Fireplace Surround

Before-Fireplace Surround

Sorry the afters are "before",  I have been having a hard time with blogger today!

Interesting photos by Mark Mawson

Interesting photos of Mark Mawson by dropping gas in water

Monday, September 6, 2010

Relax! It's Labor Day! ;-)

If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would probably be Labor Day Weekend. ~Doug Larson

Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc. LaMothe Services, LLC

Young mother and a new born baby

beautiful baby
At birth, the baby often has a full head of hair. This will, in most cases be shed in the first ten months. Some babies grow a full head of hair quite quickly. Others do not have lots of hair for moths. Rest assured that such growth does not mean the baby is going to end up being bald for life. The shape of the ears differs from child to child due to familial variations. Some times a skin tag may be seen on the ear. These tags should be shown to the doctor before they are tied.

The shape of a baby’s head varies a great deal. This due to the baby forcing its way out of your body. There is sometimes a uniform swelling but this usually disappears in two or three days. However, if the swelling is localized on one side of the head and is confined to the limits of the bone, it is due to the blood collection on the outer surface of the skull bone. This is called Cephal Haematoma and usually disappears in about 4-6 weeks. For all your doubts you can consult your doctor.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The history of sumo wrestling

The history of sumo in Photographs by James Vitlou Delano

Worn constant gossip and crowded by foreign competitors a traditional sport in Japan, still struggling to keep pace with the times.
Only slightly more than a decade ago, foreigners had reached such a level of skill that could capture the leadership in the sumo competition. At a recent tournament in Nagoya, in competitions in the two highest discharges involved only one Japanese. Wrestler of the highest level, Barut, pictured right, originally from Estonia.
Sumo is the embodiment of national spirit Land of the Rising Sun, more than any other athletic sports. According to a high school teacher Yamada, itself sumo - is not a refined sport, its elegance is to preserve traditions. This is what makes it unique in Japan.