Friday, September 17, 2010

Womanopause: Feeling Fit, Feminine and Fabulous in Four Weeks By Dr. Lovera Wolf Miller and Dr. David C. Miller: A LaMothe Book Review

I was invited to review the book Womanopause: Feeling Fit, Feminine and Fabulous in Four Weeks. At first I I'm 46 (and 1/2) so I am not ready (or old enough) to read or review a book about menopause. Then on second thought...or maybe third thought, I remembered being put into a menopause type state during my surrogacys. (which is when the Reproductive Endocrinologist prescribes hormones to control your cycle and those side effects include hot flashes, moodiness, and other fun symptoms. So really, I have already visited menopause land and was happy to leave!)So I thought that others may benefit from my review.

Having no idea, really, what menopause entailed, I was enthralled from the very first chapter. Maybe horrified is a better word. Is THIS going to happen to ME? Why, yes it is and coming faster then a speeding bullet apparently! Every woman who lives to be middle age, the average is 51, will experience some sort of menopause. How to deal with it is what this book is all about. Now granted, the writers are two Dr's., Lovera Miller and her husband David Miller and frankly are all for Menopausal Hormone Therapy and after reading this why would anyone not be? It seems to be the cure all for the very scary symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, dry skin, memory loss, mood swings, depression, and more! Assuming that you are already on this muddy path, this book is the map to get you back on the freeway! (and I do mean 'free')

What I liked the most about the book was the stories that were shared by real women and how they reacted to this 4 week program. I am not sure everyone will agree that this is the only way to live your middle years via Menopausal Hormone Therapy along with changing diet and exercise, but it does give some very interesting options. Having said that, if you are feeling like you need some help with menopause symptoms, visit your own doctor and go over some of the options that you like from this book and see if they can be tailored to your own individual needs.

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