Saturday, February 27, 2010

6 common tips you can use to facilitate the Surrogacy process with your clinic.

Below are 6 common tips you can use to facilitate the Surrogacy process with your clinic.

1. Your clinic will need to have the contract signature page at the very least (they may require the entire contract) on file or an affidavit from the contractual attorney, indicating that the contract is complete and has been signed by all parties.

2. The medical information forms need to have been signed by all parties and given to your clinic for their files.

3. The Surrogate Mother/Carrier is the patient. Information on medication, transfer, and follow up must be conveyed to her through the clinic and not the Intended Parents although they should be informed as well.

4. The Intended Parents need to make sure that they have a credit card on file with the clinic for all medication and procedures that involve the Surrogate Mother/Carrier and/or Egg Donor.

5. The Surrogate Mother/Carrier or Egg Donor should not receive ANY BILLS. She is not responsible for any payment of bills and this is usually stated in the contract between the Intended Parents and Surrogate/Egg Donor.

6. IVF costs should not be attempted to be billed through the Surrogate Mother/Carrier's insurance. (Blood tests, pap smears, OB appointments etc. are usually ok.) Remember the Surrogate Mother/Carrier is not the infertile woman and billing her for IVF costs can cost her the insurance policy and possibly pose insurance fraud accusations. Medicaid should not be used under any circumstance.

Sharon LaMothe
Infertility Answers, Inc.
LaMothe Services, LLC
*Please note: Sharon LaMothe is not a MD, is not an attorney nor does she hold a mental health degree. All advice given is solely the experienced opinion of Ms. LaMothe. If you have any medical, legal or psychological questions or concerns, please contact your own Doctor, Attorney or Mental Health Professional.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

If at First You Don't Conceive: A Complete Guide to Infertility from One of the Nation's Leading Clinics by Dr. William Schoolcraft, MD, HCLD: A LaMothe Book Review

If at First You Don't Conceive: A Complete Guide to Infertility from One of the Nation's Leading Clinics by Dr. William Schoolcraft, MD, HCLD, will not be available for release until March 16, 2010 but I have had the pleasure of receiving an advanced copy and highly suggest that you pre-order yours now!

There are two hundred and sixty five pages in If at First You Don't Conceive: A Complete Guide to Infertility from One of the Nation's Leading Clinics and each and everyone of them are worth reading. If you have just found out that you have a problem with fertility, this must be the first book you read. Not only does Dr. Schoolcraft talk about being your own best advocate he writes about the most common fertility challenges, the most common solutions for those challenges and covers the emotional challenges as well. I love the fact that he includes stories from his patient's which makes you feel connected to what this book is all about, validation, education, support and solutions.

If you are not familiar with Dr. WILLIAM SCHOOLCRAFT, MD, HCLD, he is a fertility specialist and researcher and is the director of the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine.

Sharon LaMothe
Infertility Answers, Inc.
LaMothe Services, LLC
*Please note: Sharon LaMothe is not a MD, is not an attorney nor does she hold a mental health degree. All advice given is solely the experienced opinion of Ms. LaMothe. If you have any medical, legal or psychological questions or concerns, please contact your own Doctor, Attorney or Mental Health Professional.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

State Legislatures in Full Swing; ASRM Defends Reproductive Medicine

Because my last post was all about the HB 2793 here in WA State focusing on Gestational Surrogacy among other issues, I wanted to share what other states are focusing on as far as reproductive rights, egg donation, embryo reporting requirements and agency guidelines, to name a few. If you live in one of the states listed below I encourage you to contact your Senators or House Representatives and put your two cents in. You are needed to make sure your rights and the rights of others are protected!

State Legislatures in Full Swing; ASRM Defends Reproductive Medicine

It is busy season in statehouses around the country and already a number of bills have been introduced, or are moving through the legislative process, and many are extremely problematic for the practice of reproductive medicine. Following is a summary of bills that ASRM is monitoring, working to modify, or in some cases actively opposing. We are alerting members in individual states when action on legislation is warranted.

AZ SB 1306 and HR 2651. Dictates information to be included as part of the informed consent process and prohibits the purchase, offer to purchase or advertisement for the purchase of human eggs, in effect denying Arizona residents a vital therapeutic family building option.

SB 1307 and HB 2652. Prohibits non therapeutic research on embryos that causes their injury, death or destruction and the creation of human/animal hybrid embryos.

ASRM sent letters of opposition to key members of the house and senate committees considering these bills, prior to a vote earlier this week. ASRM also sent an action alert to its Arizona members and worked in particular with Drs. Mark Johnson and Drew Moffit, who testified against the bills, and others who have provided good feedback. Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, the bills were approved along party line votes. ASRM and Drs. Johnson and Moffit are working to improve and oppose the bills.

FL S. 7062, the Florida Assisted Reproductive Technology Act. Defines an agency as any organization or individual who provides a database, matching or third party reproductive service, but of concern, does not require expertise, training, education, or licensure of any kind. Requires agencies to conduct mental health evaluations and criminal background checks on donors, gestational surrogates and intended parents every two years. Prohibits donors or gestational surrogates who are not US citizens or permanent residents.

ASRM sent letters expressing concern to key members of the senate committee reviewing the bill this week, as well as an alert to its Florida members urging calls to committee members to oppose the bill.

KS SB 509. Creates women's health and embryo monitoring program to collect and retain in “perpetuity” 70 data items, much of which are already collected and reported by the CDC. In addition, requires tracking all eggs retrieved, fertilized, transplanted, frozen, discarded, status of all embryos, number and type of fetal reductions, method for monitoring the health of patients even after they are no longer patients. Requires reporting of how clinics are paid. Those failing to report or falsely reporting risk felony charges.

ASRM will oppose this bill and is preparing to activate its Kansas members to do the same. We understand a hearing is tentatively scheduled for March 11.

MD S 19. Improves the existing infertility insurance requirement to reduce the two year wait period to one year.

In January, ASRM testified at a committee hearing in support of the legislation and has worked closely with the bill's sponsor to advance the legislation. However, costs associated with the change coupled with the state's budget constraints indicate a slim chance for enactment. Gilbert Mottla MD has worked closely with ASRM staff on this effort.

HB 281 and SB 585. Establishes a commission on surrogate parenting to evaluate the health and social well being of children born as a result of surrogacy. ASRM is not taking a position on the legislation at this time but monitoring developments with the help of Margaret Swain, Chair of ASRM's Legal Special Interest Group. Ms. Swain testified before a house committee this week as to the merits of the legislation and recommended composition of such a commission.

MI SB 647-652 and companion bills HB 5129-5134. Imposes duplicative and superfluous reporting requirements on ART practices. Requires tracking and reporting of all embryos. Standardizes informed consent for ART. Restricts important stem cell research which was approved last year by Michigan's citizens in a referendum.

ASRM sent action alerts to Michigan members on two occasions and is preparing a third in anticipation of a vote by the full Senate. The Senate bills have already been approved in committee. ASRM actively opposes these bills.

MO HB 1035. Requires group health insurance policies providing coverage for more than 25 employees to also cover the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, including up to four cycles of IVF.

ASRM corresponded with the bill's sponsor about possible improvements to this bill.

TN SB 2136 and HB 2159, the Embryo Donation and Adoption Act. Deems a child borne of donated embryos as having been adopted and grants the same legal protections without court action. Requires clinics to develop written contracts transferring ownership of embryos from donor to intended parents and to keep records for 21 years.

ASRM opposes this legislation and is actively monitoring its status.

If you learn of any legislation in your states please contact Sean Tipton, ASRM's Director of Public Affairs at or 202-863-2494.

Sharon LaMothe
Infertility Answers, Inc.
LaMothe Services, LLC
*Please note: Sharon LaMothe is not a MD, is not an attorney nor does she hold a mental health degree. All advice given is solely the experienced opinion of Ms. LaMothe. If you have any medical, legal or psychological questions or concerns, please contact your own Doctor, Attorney or Mental Health Professional.


Christina Aguilera pic

In 2009, Variety confirmed that Christina Aguilera 'll be working in her 1rst feature film, a musical, titled Burlesque, which began shooting in November 2009. She 'll portray a small town girl who "finds love, family and success in a LA neo-burlesque club".

The film, distributed by Screen Gems, will be directed by actor and director Steve Antin who also wrote the script, which was revised by Susannah Grant. The film will co-star fellow singer Cher as the club's owner and headliner. The film will also feature Twilight star Cam Gigandet as her love interest, Stanley Tucci, and Kirsten Bell.

Christina Aguilera 'll contribute as a writer for the film's musical score and soundtrack which includes producers Danja and Tricky Stewart, and songwriters Claude Kelly and singer Sia. Burlesque is set for a Thanksgiving release next year and is currently in production in LA. Christina Aguilera appeared as a presenter alongside Cher at the 67th Golden Globe Awards.

Christina Aguilera - Burlesque Film .. Burlesque Movie Starring: Christina Aguilera Cher Kristen Bell Stanley Tucci Cam Gigandet Eric Dane Allan Cumming. Entertainment Tonight: Christina Aguilera Burlesque Preview.

Cher is a real great actress and it's great to see her do movies again. My mom has idolized Cher since she was a teenager so right now she only has Cher's movie MOONSTRUCK and album BELIEVE. Those two in my opinion are two of her best projects.


Christina Aguilera pic

In 2009, Variety confirmed that Christina Aguilera 'll be working in her 1rst feature film, a musical, titled Burlesque, which began shooting in November 2009. She 'll portray a small town girl who "finds love, family and success in a LA neo-burlesque club".

The film, distributed by Screen Gems, will be directed by actor and director Steve Antin who also wrote the script, which was revised by Susannah Grant. The film will co-star fellow singer Cher as the club's owner and headliner. The film will also feature Twilight star Cam Gigandet as her love interest, Stanley Tucci, and Kirsten Bell.

Christina Aguilera 'll contribute as a writer for the film's musical score and soundtrack which includes producers Danja and Tricky Stewart, and songwriters Claude Kelly and singer Sia. Burlesque is set for a Thanksgiving release next year and is currently in production in LA. Christina Aguilera appeared as a presenter alongside Cher at the 67th Golden Globe Awards.

Christina Aguilera - Burlesque Film .. Burlesque Movie Starring: Christina Aguilera Cher Kristen Bell Stanley Tucci Cam Gigandet Eric Dane Allan Cumming. Entertainment Tonight: Christina Aguilera Burlesque Preview.

Cher is a real great actress and it's great to see her do movies again. My mom has idolized Cher since she was a teenager so right now she only has Cher's movie MOONSTRUCK and album BELIEVE. Those two in my opinion are two of her best projects.

Friday, February 19, 2010


One of the best mixtapes I've heard in a while. Dirty South Joe and Flufftronix make Magic.. Can't stop listening to it at the moment.. CHECK IT OUT!!!

WA State House Bill 2793: Testimony and Thoughts on Legalizing Gestational Surrogacy

"Brief Summary of Substitute Bill: 2793
Amends the Uniform Parentage Act to:
(1) incorporate state-registered domestic partnerships and same-sex couples throughout its provisions;
(2)adopt changes made by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; and
 (3) make it gender-neutral.
Establishes standards for gestational surrogacy contracts and sets forth requirements that intended parents and the woman acting as a gestational surrogate must meet to have a valid gestational surrogacy contract."

Yesterday was a very exciting day for me here in Washington State. I was asked to Testify in front of the State Senate regarding the bill HB 2793 Legalizing Gestational Surrogacy. Not only would HB 2793 legalize surrogacy but it also makes a strong positive statement to the Gay and Lesbian community regarding the Uniform Parentage Act.

My part in all this was small yet I did have an impact and a voice for Gestational Carriers in this state and others regarding our commitment to the Intended Parents we give birth for. I spoke with two of the HB 2793 bill supporters after, Senator Kessler and Representative Pedersen, who both stated that while reading in black and white about issues faced while living in a state that makes surrogacy illegal, hearing first hand about the impact and tolls it puts on Intended Parents and Gestational Carriers who must leave this state to realize their dream of building families through surrogacy made all the difference.

Most of you know that I moved to the Seattle area only three years ago. However, when I was a Gestational Carrier, I lived in NY where commercial surrogacy is also considered illegal. I used my own personal experiences to drive home the need to legalize surrogacy here in WA State. My Intended Parents were in Florida and I had to travel there several times for testing and transfers. During the pregnancy the IPs had to travel to NY to see me as well. A lot of money was spent on travel. When I was about 32 weeks I had a gallbladder issue that threw me into premature labor. Once stabilized I had to once again travel to FL because, God forbid, I could NOT give birth in NY. I was unexpectedly away from my own husband and children much longer then I intended after giving birth to twin girls at 34 weeks via an unplanned c-section. All told I was gone from my home for about two months.

I have a similar story of flying all over kingdom come for the same sex couple I ended up giving birth for in 2005 so that both of the Intended Fathers could be on the birth certificate. Now with the possibility of these new surrogacy and parentage actions in WA state it will be SO much easier for a surrogacy arrangement to happen between family, friends and, yes, strangers.

I now am looking toward Spring and early Summer in hopes that all the signatures required are collected and that the Governor signs it ASAP.

I would also like to acknowledge the two WA state Intended Mothers who also testified and who missed out on a lot of the joys of sharing a pregnancy with their out of state Gestational Carriers and the one Gestational Carrier who actually resided here in WA State and gave birth out of state for one couple and delivered in WA State for another Intended Parent for zero compensation. All the stories were heart wrenching yet joyous because they all ended up giving and getting what they wanted the most: the chance to build a family via surrogacy!

To read this bill yourself please visit: HB 2793

Sharon LaMothe
Infertility Answers, Inc.
LaMothe Services, LLC

Here's the video everybody has been talking about! LMFAO VS. MITT ROMNEY ... the REAL story!!