Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Granny's Chair-Before and After

First, I need to say that Blogger is giving ME fits personally.  It will NOT let me comment on certain blogs!!  It asks me to chose a profile, so I do, then log in, and it lists me as anonymous and will not post!  This is what was happening when their system crashed a few weeks ago.  So, if I normally comment on your posts but have not in the past day or so this is the reason!!

You might remember when I shared our new entryway reveal, that I promised my Granny's chair would find another home.  Well, it has.  In our Master Bedroom, that we are currently working on (almost done).  Hubby and I  (yes, he actually picked this fabric!) went to JoAnn's one weekend and came home with 3 yards of this fabric.  I then took my Granny's chair to my favorite upholsterer, Mrs. Song, and she did her magic once again.  She does beautiful work, is very reasonable, and gets things done sooo quickly.  Remember, I am one of those instant gratification kinda gals!!

To refresh your memory, here is the before...

The chair was covered in a more formal chocolate and blue fabric.

And now, in it's new home...

New fabric, and a ruffle! 

A bit of nailhead  trim...

Close up of the ruffled skirt.

Sorry the pics are a bit dark, the sun is going down on that side of the house, but I couldn't wait to share. I love the more casual look!  It is perfect in it's new spot nestled next to our all ivory bed!!  I hope to be able to reveal the entire room in the next day or so.  Just need to tweak a few accessories.

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