Saturday, June 5, 2010

Five Tips for Staying Hydrated in the Summer Sun: Provided by Icelandic Glacial

I receive all types of press releases and product placement opportunities. However I don't use most of them because my blog(s) would turn into something like a long drawn-out TV commercial! But with summer here I decided that I would pass along these tips from Icelandic Glacial. I am not receiving any payment for this so just take care of yourself this summer and stay hydrated!

Five Tips for Staying Hydrated in the Summer Sun:

1. Drink first, exercise later. Staying hydrated before you hit the gym, the field or the pavement is just as important as staying hydrated while you’re exercising. Drinking prior to vigorous activity will help keep your heart rate and body temperature low and give your energy a boost. Once you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.

2. Cut out the sugar. Replace sugary sports drinks and caffeinated favorites with water. Caffeine acts as a diuretic and causes the body to lose water. With adult body weight comprised of up to 70% water, it is the single most vital component of the daily diet. Water assists with digestion and balances metabolism without the added sugar or calories!

3. Indulge frequently. It’s recommended that adults drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water every day. Drinking plenty of water assists in flushing out toxins and bacteria in the body that can cause disease, as well as helps the immune system.

4. Take a big gulp. Gulping fluids during exercise empties them from your body quicker than sipping them, reducing cramps and hydrating muscles faster.

5. As an added bonus, water acts as a natural moisturizer to the skin, preventing it from drying out, helping to maintain its elasticity and giving it a general healthy glowing appearance.

About Icelandic Glacial: Icelandic Glacial delivers a water with a “net zero” carbon footprint. Icelandic Glacial uses 100% natural green energy in the form of geothermal and hydroelectric power to fuel production and the company’s water source, the Ölfus Spring in Iceland, has been deemed certifiably sustainable by Zenith International, Europe’s leading food and drinks consultancy. Icelandic Glacial’s bottle and label are 100% recyclable.

Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc.  LaMothe Services, LLC

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