Monday, May 31, 2010

Creative sneakers

Children behavior and parents role

mischievous boy
I think that idealistic young persons approaching parenthood assume that if they are the right sort they will have unlimited love, tolerance and patience for their innocent baby. But this is not humanly possible. When your baby has been crying angrily for hours, despite all your patient efforts to comfort him, you cannot go on feeling sympathetic. He seems like a obstinate, disagreeable, unappreciative person, and you cannot help feeling angry really angry. Or your older child has done something that he knows very well he should not have done. May be he was so fascinated with a breakable object of yours or so eager to join some children on the other side of the street that he count not resist the temptation.

All good parents feel strongly about what they are doing whether it is right or wrong. You child misbehaved or when a child disobeys a well understood and reasonable rule, you cannot simply be a cool statue of justice. In other words, parents cannot feel right toward their children in the long run unless they can make them behave reasonably. Generally you were taught to feel that way back in your own childhood. It is your rule that has been broken in your childhood. It is probably your possession that has been damaged,. It’s your child, about whose character you care a great deal, who has done wrong. It’s inevitable that you feel indignant. The child naturally expects this and is not hurt by it if your reaction is fair.

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