Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Embryo Donation or Adoption? You tell me.

I found this article by Jennifer Salerno and wanted to share it with my readers. Now I want to reiterate that I think Embryo Adoption really should be called Embryo Donation. I have posted before what my feelings are regarding the word Adoption, and all that goes along with it, should be reserved for Intended Parents adopting babies and children...not embryos. Embryo Donation, on the other hand, means to me that one couple is donating their embryos to another couple in hopes that those embryos "make the thaw", implant into a uterus, and become a fetus and then born. There are so many places along the donation route where the embryos do not become a "take home baby". Don't get me wrong, I know that it CAN happen, but to call it adoption for something that isn't even alive yet? I am not convinced. What are your thoughts? Adoption? Donation? Your call!


Adoption is taking on a whole new meaning. There is a relatively new and unknown way to adopt. It’s embryo adoption. Before you begin harping on the side of controversy, stop and listen to the facts.
1. According to the CDC, an average of about 31% of embryos successfully implant after transfer.
2. There are an estimated 500,000 embryos frozen in the US according to the National Embryo Donation Center.
3. Embryo adoption is cheaper and often quicker than in vitro fertilization and traditional infant or child adoption.
4. According to the National Embryo Donation Center, as of the end of 2007, there were 105 viable babies made or born through the embryo adoption process.
To Learn more visit:
Embryos are created through IVF, in vitro fertilization. Some embryos are frozen and stored for future procedures. However, not all of the embryos are used. Parents are then faced with a dilemma. What are their options?They can:
1. Thaw the embryos and let them die
2. Donate to science
3. Donate for adoption
This local article is about an AZ couple who fulfilled the dream of having a family through embryo adoption.
Interested in donating or adopting, but need more information? Visit:

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