Thursday, April 9, 2009

Insurance for SurroGenesis Pregnant Surrogates Tragedy

~~News Flash~~

In light of the current Michael Charles Financial and SurroGenesis surrogate agency scandal, where both allegedly stole up to $3,000,000 in trust fund money of over 150 families trying to achieve pregnancy through surrogacy, New Life Agency, Insurance Agency today announced they will work with the victims to insure the Intended Parents their surrogates will be covered.

Attorney Andrew Vorzimer of Vorzimer and Masserman in Woodland Hills California states “As a result of several concerned inquiries I have received today from victims of the SurroGenesis debacle, I have consulted with two criminal defense attorneys to assess any potential liability that might exist for Surrogates (and their Intended Parents) who had medical coverage through SGUSA’s group plan. Both concur that the circumstances surrounding the procurement of medical coverage presents serious legal issues.”

Trish Taylor, President, Founder of New Life said today “It is an absolute tragedy that any assisted reproduction professional would commit insurance fraud and put their clients and surrogates in this financial jeopardy. These people are now vulnerable to insurance claims and the loss of insurance protection. This is an even greater potential financial loss than the loss they have already experienced. I am determined they have something rather than nothing in place to help them through their pregnancy. We will accept their application for underwriting review whether they are in the middle to last months of pregnancy or just beginning.”

Our Team’s and Customer Care Center is ready to receive your call.

Surrogates and Intended Parents may now apply. Being vulnerable to insurance claims and the loss of insurance protection is a grave potential financial loss for the Surrogate and Intended Parent.

Sharon LaMothe

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